Making a Positive Impact with Recycled Steel Water Bottles

The awareness drive against single-use plastic is more vital now than ever before. With global climate change impacting most people's everyday choices, it's crucial to find the most suitable alternative with lasting results on the environment. Recycled stainless steel is one of those alternatives many people need to be aware of. If you want to contribute to combating environmental issues, it’s time to consider recycled stainless steel products as a more eco-friendly option than your traditional recycled plastic.

What is Recycled Stainless Steel?

Is stainless steel recyclable? Yes. It is 100% safe to recycle and reuse. 

The material is made to last for a long time, making it more sense to reuse to reduce environmental impact. In addition, stainless steel is a safer and more durable option than other recyclable materials.

Stainless steel comprises different types of alloy metal, such as nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. These alloy materials can be separated from other materials and recovered for other uses. 

Therefore, you can use up to 60% of the stainless steel during recycling. For example, if companies manufactured 27 million tonnes of stainless steel annually, a significant amount would be spared from waste if up to 60% could be recycled!

Recycled steel bottles are now available in various styles and colors.

Why Opt for a Reusable Water Bottle?

You may know about the harmful effects of single-use plastic bottles on the environment. Therefore, investing in a recycled steel water bottle that you can carry with you wherever you go is essential.

Here are the top reasons to take a reusable water bottle:

  • It will help reduce plastic waste. Over a billion single-use plastic bottles are produced annually, and not all are recycled. Even when you opt to recycle them, they have a short life span and won't be good after several uses. On the other hand, recycled steel bottles are durable enough to reuse for many years.
  • It is easier to keep track of the amount of water you drink. Drinking water is beneficial for your health. It can be easier to determine if you meet your daily water intake target when using a reusable water bottle.
  • It is free from toxic chemicals. Plastic materials contain chemicals that can be harmful when you consume them through water. More chemicals can seep into your water if the plastic is old, damaged, or exposed to extreme temperatures. For example, BPA is a common chemical found in plastic water bottles which has been linked to hormone imbalance, metabolic diseases, and infertility.
  • It is cost-efficient. Your initial investment in a recycled steel water bottle can go a long way since you only pay for it once. In comparison, buying plastic bottled water daily can make a dent in your budget. 
  • It makes your water taste better. Unfortunately, you cannot subject plastic bottles to extreme temperatures, making cleaning them challenging after every use. On the other hand, you may wash recycled steel water bottles with soap and hot water. Steel also does not rust or corrode, so does not affect the taste of your water. 
  • It is more aesthetically pleasing than a plastic bottle. Recycled steel bottles are now available in various styles and colors. They are a more aesthetic option than regular plastic bottles for carrying water. Some recycled steel bottle manufacturers even allow you to customize your bottles. 
Environmental Benefits of Recycled Steel Bottles

Environmental Benefits of Recycled Steel Bottles

If you want to impact the environment positively, it's best to choose a recycled steel bottle for your water. While disposable plastic bottles are convenient, you should think twice before buying them because of their negative environmental impact. 

Four out of five plastic water bottles end up in landfill sites. Since plastic takes over 700 years to decompose, it takes up landfill space for a long time and contributes to soil pollution. However, it's not just the land that is negatively affected by plastic bottles that go to waste. Various bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and oceans can also be polluted when people do not responsibly dispose of these bottles after use.

The production process for plastic water bottles can also cause air pollution through the release of greenhouse gases from manufacturing plants. Even reusable plastic bottles are less environmentally friendly and sustainable than recycled steel water bottles. 

If you want to positively impact the environment and make healthier choices for your own health, choose a recycled steel water bottle over plastic. Once you experience the benefits, you will never go back to using disposable plastic bottles.